We sell general maintenance tools from top brands including: Wilkinson Sword, Wolf Garten and Felco.
Animal Supplies
Bird food from big-name brands such as Tom Chambers and Gardman, Tetra Fish food, Dog toys and treats.
Fertilizers and Chemicals
Speciality feeds and organic boosters from all your favourite brands. As well as rooting powder, mycorrhizal fungi and moisture control.
Pots and Ornaments
Huge range of terracotta, glazed, resin and plastic pots from top brands. As well as garden ornaments from our local supplier.
Leading brands of multi-purpose and ericaceous compost, soil conditioner, bark and chippings. Peat free and reduced peat available.
Garden Sundries
Netting and plant supports, garden watering, weed control, pest and disease control, lawn care, composters, water butts, paints by Ronseal plus much more.